Tuesday, November 14, 2006


This looks like mango to you?

It's actually a homegrown papaya - one with an extremely huge base! gee, look like a 不倒翁 (",) When you turn it upsidedown, you can feel & hear all the seeds rolling to bottom of the papaya!

When I sliced it open, uhhhh, the seeds immediately oozed out . I had a hard time trying to prevent them from popping off the table! I was so astonished at the fact that the seeds do not cling on to the walls & rushed to show it to my mom!

Mom replied : 这有什么大惊小怪的, 没有种子的木瓜都有, 你见过吗?



新鮮人 said...

you grow it ?

Eden said...

nope. it's from an auntie's farm in malaysia =)

Haricot 微豆 said...

The fruit looks juicy ... yum !!

I think the seeds all rushed out looking for soil to grow themselves :)

Anonymous said...

Haricot : Though orangy-yellow, it tastes really sweet!

Eden said...

oops sry .. i forgot to sign in earlier